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Handprints Montessori Daycare


"Whoever touches the life of a child, touches the most sensitive point of a whole which has roots in the most distant past and climbs towards the infinite future" - Maria Montessori

We stand by our commitment to provide quality childcare and Montessori-based education for children ages 2.5 - 4.

My name is Melissa. I am Mama to our Toddler and a certified Montessori Teacher. I have worked in Montessori for the past 9 years. I would like to welcome you to Handprints Montessori Daycare!

The early years are the most important time in a child's life. During this time, your child will gain the skills that will lead to further growth and development. As a parent, you truly want what is best for your child. ​Like many other parents, we set out to find a program for our little one. There are many wonderful programs that you can drop into and or enrol in, from active play to singing and exploring, but we could not find a program that was part-time, education-based and would help foster independance in our little one to interact and learn with other children.  With how busy our lives are and trying to schedule play dates, my passion for teaching my little one and for teaching children, we decided to launch my home daycare. They say "It takes a village" - and we are forever thankful for ours! Let us be part of your village. Our daycare program is part-time, open three days a week, which allows for squeezing in plenty of extra time with Grandparents, parents and family too! Great for little ones to explore, foster their love for learning and gain social skills.  For parents, an opportunity to take some me time, knowing that your little one is in a nurturing environment, learning and having fun.

I have incorporated my materials, knowledge and love for Montessori into a safe and loving program in which your child can grow, learn, play, create and be successful in. My program is designed for children ages 2.5 - 4. It is a wonderful program to help Preschoolers prepare for Kindergarten, to practice life skills with their peers for the School Year ahead! This program will help to foster your child in experiences and skills that will help fulfill their full potential and prepare them for their bright futures!

I look forward to meeting with you and your child and being a part of their early years.

Please feel free to contact me to learn more about our program and for the opportunity to visit our spacious and nurturing daycare in our home away from home!


Mrs. Granato

Owner & Head Teacher, Handprints Montessori Daycare

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